Why Do Some People Think Hiking is Boring

So, you’ve heard hiking is boring? Yawn…right? Let’s be honest – the great outdoors isn’t everyone’s jam. Trekking for miles, dealing with the elements, working up a sweat – where’s the fun in that? If those are the first thoughts that come to mind when you envision hitting the trails, this perspective is totally understandable. But before you permanently write off this classic adventure for being a royal snoozefest, let me break it down in a way that might surprise you. 

Because the truth is, hiking doesn’t have to be boring at all. In fact, with the right mindset and preparation, it can be an invigorating, memorable experience that stimulates you mentally and physically. Need some convincing? Lace up those boots and let’s explore why some hikers get stuck in a boring rut, and how you can ensure your next mountain trek is an epic adventure from start to finish.

Is Hiking Really That Dull? (It Doesn’t Have to Be!)

I’ll admit it – my first few hiking excursions as a kid were a total yawnfest. My parents would basically drag my sister and me along for what felt like endless stretches of flat, unchanging terrain. No matter how many times we peppered them with “Are we there yet?!”, the destinations always seemed just…lame. 

A little stream? Woooo, party. (Note the sarcasm). I just didn’t get the appeal of walking for hours to see minimal scenery or wildlife. Needless to say, I became one of those people who dreaded the “h” word and its looming boredom.

But you know what? That’s on my parents for picking lackluster trails! As an adult, I’ve discovered that plenty of hikes are a sensory overload in the best way possible. With the right path and mindset, hiking can quite literally take your breath away through terrain that constantly surprises you. 

When it comes to boring hikes, often the issue lies in:

– Trails that are flat, paved, or too crowded 

– Bad timing (hiking in harsh midday heat or conditions)

– Not going prepared with the right gear, snacks, etc.

– Having complainers in your group 

– Picking hikes that are way too ambitious for beginners

The good news? These pitfalls are easy to avoid, putting incredible outdoor adventures well within reach! Speaking of which…

7 Ways to Make Hiking Feel Like an Epic Adventure

1. Find Trails with Killer Views

Let’s be real – one of the biggest draws of hitting the hiking trails is soaking in stunning scenery. So don’t settle for anything less! Do your research to find paths that will reward your efforts with amazing overlooks, beautiful bodies of water, interesting rock formations, and more. Google image search is hugely helpful for scoping out picturesque trails.

2. Bring Energizing Snacks and Listen to Pumped Up Playlists 

Boring people get bored – it’s as simple as that. Combat hike doldrums by packing snacks that will energize you, like nutrient-dense trail mixes, jerky, fresh fruit, and pressed vegetable/protein snacks. Having music at the ready can also pump you up during lulls – make a hiking playlist filled with empowering, high-tempo tunes. 

3. Hike at Sunrise or Sunset for Epic Lighting

Hiking in harsh midday conditions practically guarantees an arduous, sweaty, no-fun time. But schedule your treks for sunrise or sunset and you’ll be treated to cooler temps and magical lighting effects that will make you feel like the lead in an outdoor adventure film. Bonus: Fewer crowds at these times!

4. Seek Out Waterfall Hikes

One of the most magical payoffs of hiking? Reaching a secluded waterfall and enjoying a swim in its refreshing pool. Do your research to find hikes that culminate in these natural wonders. There’s nothing quite as thrilling as emerging from the forest to an incredible cascade!

5. Go On Challenging, Stair-Climbing Hikes

For some people, a boring hike = a lack of difficulty. If you crave a heart-pumping workout with your scenery, research paths with intense elevation gains and lots of switchbacks or stairs. The views will be even better when you’ve conquered challenging terrain to get there!

6. Make It a Scavenger Hunt

Liven things up by turning your hike into an adventure game. Challenge your crew to spot certain plants, animals, trail markers, etc. along the way and award prizes. This injects excitement and healthy competition! For kids, you can make it an actual scavenger hunt with hidden treasures.

7. Hike Somewhere With Wildlife Spotting Opportunities

Part of what can make hiking feel dull is a lack of wildlife or interesting critters along the trail. Do some recon to find areas where you’re likely to encounter amazing fauna like elk, moose, bighorn sheep, bears (from a safe distance!), exotic birds, and more. Bring binoculars and cameras to fuel your animal spotting!

Don’t Go It Alone – Hiking Buddies = No More Boredom

Okay, your trail is epically scenic and set up for max adventure-vibes…but you’re still at risk for a boring hike if your crew is full of grumpy complainers. Who you decide to hit the trails with can make or break the mood and memories!

I’ve experienced this firsthand. I once went on a hot, sunny hike with a friend who would not stop whining about being sweaty, running out of water, getting blisters, etc. Every two minutes: “Are we there yet? I’m over this!” It was like dealing with a petulant child – totally draining and not how I envisioned that gorgeous hike going down.

On the flip side, some of my best, most exhilarating outdoor adventures have been buoyed by awesome hiking partners. People who stay positive and energized through strenuous climbs. People who make goofy jokes to keep spirits high. Who revel in every view and make the moment feel extraordinary. That shared joy and encouragement is absolutely priceless!

If you’re new to hiking or worried about boredom, choose your hiking partners very intentionally. Bring people who have the right mindset and stamina, not Debbie Downers. And don’t hesitate to split off solo or with a smaller group if negative attitudes become a drain.

Kids can enliven hikes too! Their natural curiosity and excitement about experiencing new things is contagious. Just be sure to bring plenty of distracting snacks and toys, and to choose routes that aren’t too grueling for their stamina levels.

The Unexpected Physical and Mental Health Perks

Speaking of stamina, some people find hiking boring because they underestimate just how much of a workout it really is. The truth? Hiking can burn a shocking amount of calories – over 500 per hour for moderate hiking. That’s the equivalent of running 5-6 miles! And the more technical the terrain, the more you’re working every muscle group.

In addition to being a killer cardio exercise that boosts endurance, hiking has been proven to:

– Lower anxiety and depression 

– Reduce stress hormones like cortisol

– Increase oxygen levels and energy

– Build stronger bones and muscles

– Improve balance and stability

Not to mention the mood boost you get from soaking in fresh air, vitamin D, and being surrounded by nature. Multiple studies have found a strong correlation between experiencing outdoor green spaces and overall increased happiness and life satisfaction. One eco-therapy expert put it this way:

“Hiking and immersing yourself in nature allows you to completely reset mentally, recharging you in a way that sitting inside and zoning out in front of a TV simply cannot. There’s a reason people come back from outdoor adventures with a revitalized perspective – nature is incredibly therapeutic and energizing in a way humans innately crave.”

So in other words, hiking is one of the most holistic mind-body workouts around! Definitely not boring when you frame it as an uplifting, multifaceted experience.

Preparing for an Awesome, Never-Boring Hike

By now, I’ve hopefully reframed hiking as an exhilarating prospect loaded with potential for bonding, physical challenge, mental rejuvenation and straight-up mind-blowing views. But even the most epic trails can feel tedious if you aren’t prepared with the right hiking game plan and gear.  

Before any big adventure, be sure to pack intelligently based on the terrain, duration and weather. Must-haves include:

– Proper hiking shoes/boots 

– Weather-appropriate layers, including a rain jacket

– Ample water and high-protein snacks

– First aid kit 

– Garbage bags for stuffing extra clothes/items

– Map/compass or hiking app if going somewhere remote

– Portable charger for phone

– Sunscreen and sunglasses

– Trekking poles for steep sections

– Bug spray

It’s also a smart idea to download a hiking trail app like AllTrails, Hiking Project or FitBit to help you discover trails customized by length, intensity level, views and more based on your exact location. User reviews are super helpful for vetting which routes will give you an epic experience! 

Speaking of being prepared, don’t forget basic hiking safety. Research your trail ahead of time, still on marked paths, go with a buddy, and let others know your itinerary. Being underprepared in the wilderness is a surefire way to turn a fun adventure into a survival situation fast.


So is hiking boring after all? In a word — nope! While some trails and conditions can definitely feel like a drag, hiking is one of the most invigorating, sensory-rich, and rewarding outdoor adventures out there when you embrace it wholeheartedly.  

By doing a bit of homework to pick incredible routes, gearing up with the right mindset and preparation, and surrounding yourself with happy trail buddies, you’ll quickly see why hiking has such a devoted following. The panoramic views, physical accomplishments, mental refreshment and life-affirming moments make any “boring” stigma seem laughable.

Everyone could use more chances to disconnect from screens, soak in fresh air, and get those endorphins pumping. So don’t be deterred by negative preconceptions – lace up your boots, crank up your adventure playlist, and get out there! An epic, memory-making trek could be just around the bend.

Who’s ready to go explore?

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